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      Working with Projects

      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on April 21st, 2023

      What is a project

      Projects are the second tier in the Gridly organizational structure. This section explains how to navigate projects, create a project, and manage project information and access.

      The left-hand sidebar displays all of the projects you have access to within the company selected.  


      Create a project

      To create a new project, click the + icon (Create project) in the left-hand sidebar.


      Enter a project name and press Enter.


      Project details

      To view or edit project details, select the project, and click the Details icon next to the project name. The project details will appear on the right-sidebar.


      Note: Only members with a project manager or editor role can edit project details.

      • Click About to view or edit the project name, description, or view the author and date created. 
      • Click Groups & Members to view or edit the groups and members that have access to the project, and members roles.  

      Select a Group to filter members by a group.


      To remove the filter, click the X icon next to the filter applied.


      Note: The following is only available to company Owners and Admins.


      Edit Group

      To edit a Group, click the drop-down menu next to the Group you want to edit, and click Edit group (this will take you to the Company Settings > Groups page).  Click Remove from project to remove the entire group’s access to this project.


      To edit a member’s project role, click the drop-down menu next to the member’s name and select the applicable role (Manager, Editor, Viewer).



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