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      Back up Grids

      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on August 11th, 2023

      In Gridly, you can Back up Database  and revert to an earlier version if desired. Now you can even backup and restore on a Grid level.

      Your Grids are automatically backed up every day. Plus, you can create a backup of a Grid manually anytime you want and restore data from the past.


      Only Admin and Owner, or Custom Roles which have the ability to manage projects are able to back up Grids.


      Learn more about Company Roles, Project Roles and Company Group .

      Back up Grid automatically

      A version of the Grid will automatically be backed up: 

      • When the Database is backed up.
      • Before a file is imported into the Grid.
      • Before the Grid is merged (using Branches).

      Open the Grid Backup & restore Screen_Shot_2022-12-01_at_17.52.52.png on the side bar in a Grid to check the list of Grid versions.


      Back up Grid manually

      You you can also create a backup of a Grid manually anytime you want.

      1. Open a Grid, click Grid Back up & restore Screen_Shot_2022-12-01_at_17.52.52.png on the side bar.
      2. Click Back up now.


      Restore to an earlier version of a Grid

      1. Open a Grid, click Grid Back up & restore Screen_Shot_2022-12-01_at_17.52.52.png on the side bar.
      2. To restore a previous version of the Grid, click  Screen_Shot_2022-12-01_at_17.47.31.png next to a timestamp and select Restore this version
      3. Click Restore to confirm.



      It may take some time for your backup to complete. You can go Back to project and keep working while waiting for the Grid to be restored.



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