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      Company Roles, Project Roles and Company Group

      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on March 5th, 2025

      Before Inviting members  to your Gridly company, you need to understand that a member in your company has two roles (Company Role and Project Role) and belongs to one or many company groups.

      What is Company Role?

      A company can have many members. Each member in a company have their own Company Roles. 

      Company Roles define a user's right at the higher, company level. There are 3 default roles: Owner, Admin, and User.

      As for what each of these company roles can do, it’s summarized in the following table. Check out our article about Permission Overview for more information: 


      Owner  Admin User


      Transfer ownership

      Manage company information

      Manage Billing

      Perform Admin actions

      Manage groups

      Manage company roles

      Manage members

      Manage API keys

      Manage company integrations

      Manage projects

      Manage translation memory

      Manage LQA

      Manage locales

      Restricted access

      Participate in project

      Learn how to manage company roles: Managing Company roles

      What is Project Role?

      Project Roles dictate how a user can interact with content in a given Project. Check out our article about Permission Overview for further information.

      There are 5 available Project Roles in Gridly: 

      • Creator: can fully manage databases, grids, and views
      • Editor: can edit columns and records in shared views
      • Translator: can work in the assigned languages in the shared views
      • Viewer: cannot edit in shared views
      • Localization Manager: can edit records and localization features. 

      Project roles can only be customized if you are on the ENTERPRISE plan. To add a customized project role: 

       Learn how to change a member's Project's Role here  

      The differences between a Company Role and a Project Role 

      A member of your company has two roles, which are Company Roles and Project Roles. Project Roles, again, dictate how a user can interact with content in a given project, and Company roles define a member’s rights at the higher, company level.

      What is a Company Group?

      A Company Group is a group of members who have access to the specified projects/databases and shared views. Each member of a company belongs to a company group. 

      There are 2 default company groups in Gridly: 

      • Full access: have the full access to every Grids and their shared views. Members whose Company Roles are admins and owners are automatically added to this company group. 
      • Translator: have access to views that are shared by the Owner or Admin.

      You can edit accesses of a company group and add more members to the group in the Company settings. Learn how to manage groups: Groups

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