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      Non-translatable list

      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on March 5th, 2025

      This feature is available for both the CMS and CAT modules. 


      A non-translatable list is a list of names, abbreviations, words, and expressions not for translation. These must be copied to the translation. Gridly identifies these texts based on a non-translatable list that you create and suggests them as you translate.

      Create a non-translatable list


      Only Admin and Owner, or Custom Roles which have the ability to manage localization can create and manage non-translatable lists. Learn more about Company Roles, Project Roles and Company Group. 

      • Click next to your company name to open the dropdown menu and click Localization settings.
      • Under Localization settings, select Non-translatable lists tab, or open this link: 
      • Click Create a list to create a new non-translatable list.

      Assign and use the non-translatable list

      • Enable non-translatable list: Click the toggle to enable the list.
      • Assign non-translatable lists to projects: Click Select a project to assign, then select project(s) from the list.

      Add non-translatable expressions 

      Import list

      • Open on the left of the translatable list, then select Import list from the drop-down menu. 
      • Click Import list then select a CSV/XLSX file.

      Add manually

      • Click to expand your new list, click +Add to add a new expression. 
      • Enter the new non-translatable expression. 

      Apply non-translatable terms during translation

      CMS module

      Here is how you can apply non-translatable terms in a Grid:

      1.  Click on a cell.
      2. Switch to the Non-translatable list tab.
      3. Click Apply this term to insert it into your translations.

      CAT module

      If you are using the CAT module together with the TMS module, please assign Non-translatable lists into TMS Projects or Categories to be able to access them in the CAT module. Learn how


      To apply non-translatable terms in the CAT editor:

      1. Click on the target cell of a segment.
      2. Matching non-translatable terms will show up in the right-hand side TM - MT - Glossary panel. These terms are marked by the NT tags.
      3. Double click on the term to insert it into the target cell.


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