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      Setting up the CAT editor (with Workflows)

      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on March 4th, 2025

      Enable the CAT editor


      To enable the CAT editor, you need to have a published Translation workflow.  These are currently in the closed beta program.  Contact our support team at and we'll help set it up for you.


      Assign a workflow

      • Open the Translation Grid that you want to assign the workflow to. Remember to set up Dependencies for the Localization columns.
      • Click the workflow icon next to the View, then click + Assign a workflow.
        1. Select columns to apply the workflow to: Select columns from the dropdown list, then click Next.
        2. Grant group access for each step in the workflow (optional): Select groups of members who will be allowed to be a part of this workflow. If you skip this step, members who have access to this Grid will be able to see the workflow.
        3. Wait for Gridly to apply the workflow, then click Close
      • Click to open the Workflow view and click the Workflow you just applied to the Grid.
      • Click a column in the Step tab to open the Step's view. 
      • Views that have the CAT editor enabled will have the icon next to it.
      • Click towards the top right corner to open the CAT editor. 

      Change workflow statuses to “In progress”

      Change a string's workflow status

      • Click next to a string. You'll see its current status.
      • From the drop-down menu, click “In progress”. The workflow status will turn to a different color 

      Change multiple strings' workflow statuses

      Let's say you are going to work for 10 strings today. 

      • Click the checkbox at the right of the record to select the records. To select all, click the checkbox at the left-corner, at the left of the columns. Or you can filter the records using Quick filter. 
      • Click the on the header, then switch to “In progress

      You'll see the icon for the status has switched to another color.

      Confirm the segment - Change workflow statuses to “Complete”

      Now you're done with the translation, the next step is to switch your workflow status to Complete, so the stakeholders know you're done with the translations, or move on to other assigned people in the workflow to be able to start their work.

      • To confirm the segment, click the checkbox at the left of the records to select them
      • Click in the header, then hover over the In-progress status, select Complete to move all your records to the new status. 
      • Once the workflow status is changed to Complete, the records will be locked. 

      Check out how to use the CAT editor in this article: Using the CAT editor.

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