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      Import PO files

      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on March 5th, 2025

      Table of Contents

      This feature is available in both the CMS and TMS modules.


      A PO file is made up of many entries, each entry holding the relation between an original untranslated string and its corresponding translation. All entries in a given PO file usually pertain to a single project, and all translations are expressed in a single target language. 

      CMS module

      In the CMS module, you can create a Grid by importing a PO file.

      1. On the project page, click + Add Grid.
      2. Select Import data from the dropdown menu.
      3. Add the PO file you want to import to Gridly. image1.png
      4. Name your Grid, select source language and target languages. You can click Show preview to check if the file is imported correctly. 
      5. Select message key (optional): this will be mapped to the record ID column, so you are able to export the PO files and re-import with updated strings. If you do not have a message key in your file, Gridly will auto generate the Record ID.
      6. Extracted comments (optional): this section appears when Gridly detects comment keys in PO file. If selected, each key will map to its own separate column.
      7. Click Create.  

      Here’s the result:


      TMS module

      In the TMS module, you can create a Job by importing a PO file. If you are unfamiliar with the TMS module, refer to this getting started with TMS guide.

      1. Open the TMS module and go to the Category in which you want to create the Job.
      2. Inside a Category, click Upload file.

      1. Select the PO file you want to upload.
      2. Fill in Job details:
        • Job name: Set as file name by default
        • Description
        • Assignee
        • Due date
        • Priority
        • Target languages: Category's target languages will be selected by default
        • PO - File import settings:
          • Manage target text in file: Choose how you want to handle target text when importing PO file
            • Import as target: Places the target text into your selected target language column
            • Import as context: Adds the target text to the Translation Context column
            • Do not import
      1. Job workflow: Select a Job workflow from the list. This workflow will determine the steps and status changes for the Tasks under this Job.
      2. Click Next to preview the Grid before importing.
      3. Click Complete.
      4. Wait for the process to finish. Click Manage job to see the newly created Job.

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